HIIPfit Heroes - Intan McCartt


Meet Intan McCartt

Celebrating milestone moments with our clients has to be one of the most rewarding and exciting things we get to do as trainers here at KHF, and this one is no exception. We are so happy to announce a major fitness milestone for Intan who has officially surpassed 400 total classes with Kyle House Fitness.

Intan started her journey with us back in September of 2017, and this amazing mom of two continues to push herself to reach and maintain her own personal fitness goals.

“Having Intan in class is such a joy,” said Kyle House, owner of Kyle House Fitness. “She brings infectious, bright energy that truly makes our fitness community stronger.”

But it’s not just her energy that we love. With all her hard work, she has seen an increase in strength, stamina, and mobility, something any mother of two would say is much needed when keeping up with and chasing around the little ones.

Recently, we had the pleasure of chatting with Intan to learn more about her experience with us at KHF and more about her fitness journey.

What is your favorite thing about working out at KHF?

“How strong I feel during and after each class! I used to think skinny was the goal but now I'm aiming for badass, and KHF is definitely a catalyst for that. It is an excellent all around workout and I feel the best about my body when I'm there consistently.”

What is your favorite part of the HIIPfit high-intensity interval class?

“The energy I get from everyone!  From the instructor to the diverse clients, the energy always pushes me to do my best that day, plus a little extra and more than I thought I could do.”

What has been your biggest fitness success at KHF?

“The classes and macronutrient education led me to a weight, lean muscle percentage, and fat percentage I thought was impossible for me. I am also just surprised at the strength I've gained.  At 4'10", I think some (mostly myself!) are surprised at how fast I can go or how much I can lift. I'm dealing with some back issues at the moment, but hopefully I'll be back at full strength soon.”

What is your favorite exercise or movement in HIIPfit?

“This is hard, but I'll go with a good old fashioned squat, deadlift, or chest press. I also love the feeling right before and right after the burnout, when you've pushed yourself into giving it your all and doing something hard that you're proud of.”

What would you tell someone thinking of diving into the KHF fitness experience?

“It's never too late, and you owe it to yourself to feel good about your body. I remember starting in September 2017 and being so intimidated because people were bigger, stronger, and super ripped (haha!).  But that quickly went away because everyone was so welcoming, and they encourage and push each other.”

What are your future fitness goals at KHF?

“Getting back to that best shape but also understanding that it may look differently at this point.  I've seen that it's harder now that I'm over 35 and my body has produced 2 daughters, and that adjustments (and stretches!) are necessary. With that being said, I'd love to practice more mindfulness and meditation so that my mental health is as balanced as my physical health. Also, cutting down on fried chicken and sweets and eating them in moderation. :)”

How are you going to continue your new and improved lifestyle?

“500, here we come!.

Intan, we can’t thank you enough for all of your hard work and sweat you have put in. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with everyone. And being real about everything. Understanding and learning things along the way have been fun teaching you. You should take a moment to realize that you are inspiring so many people while pushing hard towards your own personal goals!

Keep up the good work and we can’t wait to see you cross over the 500 marker :)

Cheers to looking good and feeling good!