This week’s Full Body HIIPfit Move Of The Week (MOTW) is brought to you by instructors Ari and Melo. For this week, the movement ha a little more focus on a pulling or rowing action. It combines the yoga posture called the Crescent Lunge while adding in the aesthetic action of rowing dumbbells. We are calling this MOTW the Dynamic Row. Here are a few benefits of the Dynamic Row and why it makes us look good and feel good:

  • Strengthens your back and posterior shoulder muscles. These are important for maintaining good posture and alignment while you are going through your day-to-day activities.

  • Builds lean muscle for your back and shoulders. The Dynamic Row will help to tighten and firm the upper back and shoulder area.

  • Increases balance and builds stabilization in the hips and legs. Part of the Dynamic Row is stepping backwards into a crescent lunge, this requires balance and engaging your stabilizer muscles.

  • Builds lean muscle for your hips and thighs. Using extra resistance with the dumbbells helps stimulate lean muscle growth when performing this action in a controlled manner


How to perform the Dynamic Row:

  • Start in a standing position with your best posture and tallest spine while holding two dumbbells by your sides. Shoulders are rolled down away from your ears

  • Step one foot back into a crescent lunge on the ball of the back foot while keeping hips squared forward and spine just as tall as if you were standing

  • Firm your core muscles in tight and pull the weights up beside your body by bending at the elbow joint

  • Hold the contraction at the top range of motion and then, with control, lower the weights back to the starting position

  • Step the same foot back forward and reestablish your tall spine

  • Repeat on the opposite side and repeat for about eight to ten reps per side

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